Self-Leadership strategies by Vadim Kotelnikov  

Whatever you achieved so far, you can achieve millions times more.

The bigger the challenges you address, the bigger your awakening. Stretch your imagination and efforts, and they will stretch your capabilities and achievements beyond your wildest dreams.




Mindset. You are what you think. If you want to take charge of your fate, take charge of your mind first.
Growth. Look at yourself as a sunflower seed: you can stay as you are, or you can grow yourself into a wonderful sun-like plant.
Be daring. You came to this world with your unique mission − don't let vanity cacophony mute your life symphony!
Awaken your inner genius. There are no non-genius people, there are dormant genii. If your genius is a sleeping beauty, kiss her!
Make a positive difference. Be brave and proactive − life is too short to waste it on fears and procrastination.
Change the World. Create change! Everything can and should be taken to the next level. Why not by you? 
Be a GREATbody. Dare to be your true self! Dare to live − dare to pursue your big dream, dare to love, dare to make a difference!
Self-coaching. Be your own coach. See yourself as a visionary leader, and your vision will lead you.
Keep your roots strong. Your mission, values and guiding principles are your roots. Keep your roots healthy and strong if you want to produce great fruits!
Love to challenge yourself. Love to lead, grow, stretch and coach yourself. Love to challenge yourself and address these challenges creatively. Love to motivate yourself, enjoy your creative journey, and celebrate both big and small victories.


How To Achieve Impossible - KoRe 7 Tips by Vadim Kotelnikov, Dennis - Mr Innovation World award winner  







Divine creativity comes from both inside and outside yourself: awaken the loving creator inside yourself and listen to the Universe