Dream big
dreams, commit to your true passion, and
you will learn to fly. |
Dedication, Destiny
“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become.”
~ James Allen
Your are what you think. Your Fate is shaped by your dreams
and your thoughts. Set a narrow goal, and you will reach the
ceiling; dream a big dream, and may reach stars. Stretch
your dream, and your dream will stretch you. "Dream no small
dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men,"
said Goethe. Have a big compelling dream to get inspired –
if you really want something you’ll invent amazing ways to
achieve it and enhance your capabilities on the way.
Dedication is the quality of being committed to your big
dream and life mission. Unless commitment is made, there are
only hopes; but no achievements and no transformation. Stay
dedicated to your purpose − the greatest river was once a
little spring who kept moving towards the ocean.
Yin and Yang of your destiny: stay dedicated to your big
dream (Yin); keep moving towards your dream proactively and
creatively (Yang).
Keep learning from your experiences relentlessly. The past
is the future – a good future for those who draw good
lessons from the past.
Self-reciprocity laws work well for visionary and dedicated
persons. Stretch your goals, and your goals will stretch
you... Nurture your creativity, and your creativity will
nurture you... Build your good name and your good name will
build you.