My passionate and enthusiastic
team set out to accomplish our goal to empower women, when
one of Dr Evil’s spy’s ears dropped and went out to tell
him. Dr Evil was not happy at all, he didn’t want to see any
women empowered, he enjoyed it when poor women came to him
to borrow money, which he would charge hefty interests and
they would not be able to pay back. In exchange he would
made these women his slaves. He thought if women were made
extinct then nobody would be empowered. He created a magic
sword and this sword could only be used by a powerful dark
soul with magic. He sort out Darth Vader to assist him to
achieve this evil deed. If this sword would be struck to the
ground all women would become extinct.
One of the slaves set out to let Sherlock
Holmes know about this evil plan. Sherlock snuck into Doctor Evil’s castle
used his powerful torch to search for the factory where the sword was being
created and the torch led him straight to it. He thought hard and knew only
a powerful magician could destroy this sword. |
Harry Porter knew his magic could
save the women, just as Darth Varder was about to strike the
sword Harry quickly cast a spell which instantly destroyed the
sword. |
Winnie the Pooh wrote out a truce
for my team, Dr Evil and Darth Vader to live in harmony and
peace together and if ever the truce was broken Harry Potter
would freeze Dr Evil and Darth Vader and throw them in the ocean
forever. |
They both agreed not to interfere with the
goal and everyone was happy to have a brighter future for the women.