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Creative Problem Solving (CPS)

Winning Attitudes  ●  Breakthrough Techniques

  Vadim Kotelnikov

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Creative problem solving is a way of solving a problem differently. It encourages problem solvers to find fresh perspectives, think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions in order to overcome obstacles in more promising ways.


Applications of CPS

 Any situation when conventional thinking is not good enough

Create breakthrough approaches, services, products, technologies, strategies...

Solve a problem faced by customers in an amazing outstanding way.

Reinvent relationships

Development of creative thinking skills.


CPS Approaches

Challenge assumptions

'Why? What It?' questions

Break rules

Think differently

Think outside the box

Think laterally


Switch perceptions

Adapt solutions from non-related areas

Pick any tool (eg. one of 10 KITT) and use it to solve the problem


Problem solving starts with a burning desire to change something and an open mind.

Don't be obsessed with a problem, look for opportunities it brings about..



4 Levels of Problem Solving Dennis Kotelnikov Turn Problems to Opportunities Look for Opportunities Everywhere Think Outside the Box Innovarsity Vadim Kotelnikov Problem Solving Work Smart and Hard Creative Problem Solving (CPS) 5 WHYs Process 10 Commandments of Radical Improvement Continous Improvement Mindset Problem Solving Strategies - 4 Levels, CPS, Creative Solution, Turn Problems to Opportunities, Dennis Kotelnikov

Ksenia Kotelnikova It feels like... Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Vadim Kotelnikov 4 TYpes of Problem Multisensory Immersion



Challenge Assumption - Creatinve Problem Solving CPS





4 WHYs of True Success


 "We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." ~ John W. Gardner

Discover more

Be Different and Make a Difference!

Great Achiever: 8 Winning Habits

Entrepreneurial Creativity: 4 Pillars

Turn Problems to Opportunities: 6 Tips

Think Like a Genius: 6 Tips by Albert Einstein

Creative Thinking: 6 Tips by Edward de Bono

Disney Creativity Strategy

Develop a 'Can-Do' Attitude




  Innovation Jokes Illustrative Jokes on Creative Problem Solving


Innovative Thinking Tools - Flashlight Kore 10

Turning Problems To Opportunities: Illuminating

Smart Shopkeeper

A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read ‘BEST QUALITY’.

He was horrified when another competitor opened up next door on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading ‘LOWEST PRICES’.

The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read ‘MAIN ENTRANCE’.



Innovative Thinking Tools - Money Kore 10

Creative Problem Solving: Reducing costs

A Car as Collateral

A businessman walks into a bank in a city centre and asks for a $100 loan. He offers his luxury car as collateral. The collateral is too good, and the bank manager approves the loan.

A year later, the businessman comes back. He repays the loan and the 10% interest and is ready to collect his car. Finally, the puzzled bank manager dares to ask him: "Excuse me, sir, could you tell me: did you really need that $100 so badly? In order to get the money, you left your luxury car with us for a whole year!"

The businessman replied, "That's simple – just think outside the box: where else in the city centre can I find such a great parking place for just $10 a year?"