Irina Kulikova

Message to the World
Miracles happen in life, just continue to work, always love and create, dream and dare, believe and move forward.






Irina Kulikova

Innompic Games enhance creative thinking, readiness to change, entrepreneurial smartness, spoken innovation arts, communication skills, and positive attitude towards life.




What Irina likes about Innompic Games

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Irina Kulikova

I realised how important it is to be passionate, inspiring and energised when you make a venture presentation.




Professional Activities

Irina has over nineteen years of experience as a project/portfolio manager, business architect, and consultant with the ability to develop new products, IT & business strategy, to improve organizational processes, and to find solutions in a broad range of IT and R&D projects across diverse fields.

PMI speaker
Irina has 4 certificates of authorship on program products.
Author of over 40 articles, runs the blog" “To hit pay dirt”

As a Project Manager and consultant, she has completed projects for organizations such as Russian Railways, Far East University, RIA Novosti, the Moscow Department of Education, Russian Children's Centre Orlyonok, VimpelCom, and more.

She is a practitioner and loves to work on IT projects.









Value of Innompic Games for People and the World

1. Innompic Games develop capabilities of all participants. They enhance creative thinking, readiness to change, entrepreneurial smartness, spoken innovation arts, communication skills, and positive attitude towards life. Innompic Games expand horizons and help aspiring and active entrepreneurs achieve much more.


Вадим, добрый вечер! вот моя информация)

My motto:
Message to the World
Miracles happen in life, just continue to work, always love and create, dream and dare, believe and move forward.

About the Innompic games (what I like):
- It helps you to discuss your product, to get some advice, to face challenges and find the right solutions.
- It could be very useful to formulate and discuss new ideas not only for startups but also for the big companies that can find a solution for their problems or ideas for the new technologies and methods.
- These mental games brought new horizons, new friends, which is also important. We experienced cultural differences and came to understand them in a productive way.

What Iessons did I learn from the games?
1. My first lesson was about my presentation style. I become more emotionally aware, more artistic, and I had changed my approach to pitching projects.
2. And the second lesson was about perceptions of cultural differences. It was an interesting experience, and I won’t soon forget it.

What would I like to propose for improving these games?
1. New, more accessible website for these games.
2. Involve European organizations and teams.
3. Different levels of games for different groups of participants.

Вадим, добрый день!
Вот мое видение)
Ценность игр

1. Инномпийские игры развивают всех ее участников. Они развивают креативное мышление, готовность к изменениям, сообразительность, артистизм, коммуникабельность, позитивное отношение к жизни, расширяют горизонты и способствуют становлению предпринимателей.
2. Инномпийские Игры - это большой нетворкинг и не просто нетворкинг, это обретение новых друзей. Игры - это огромное количество коммуникаций и возможность узнать культурные особенности представителей разных стран.
3. Инномпийские Игры - это среда инноваторов, интеллектуалов и предпринимателей. Игры - это среда, в которой можно решить любую бизнес задачу, протестировать и развить идею, а также получить дорожную карту и вдохновение для ее реализации.



Social media links: LinkedIn:
FB: /irina.kulikova.39
Instagram: @irina.v.kulikova
Twitter: @IrinaKulikova9