Logo of Innompic Games

Innompic Logo

Innompic Games logo


Multicolored letter ‘G’

Multicolored  >>  celebrated global diversity of people, diverse challenges; colorful Creation Show

G  >>  games; growth; global; gold

Inclined letter ‘i’

i >> innovation, innompics, human being
flows from bottom left to top right  >>  positive energy; growth
breaks through G  >>  challenges; overcoming; breakthroughs; innovators emerge much stronger after the Games

circle >> head; strive for perfection; medal; sun
enlarged  >>  creative effort; intellectual giant; intellectual games
moved forward and up  >>  stretch; constructive competition

Combination ‘iG’

Innompic Games; intellectual giants; innovation-driven growth; innovation globalized; ginnoration



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Many jury members prefer this "Growth Booster" logo, yet it's ranked #2 as of now. 

Logo of Innompic Games


Starting from 2019, Innompic Games will be primarily Internet-based.

This alternative logo is used when it is required to emphasize the web-based nature of the Innompic Games. 







Artistic versions of the Innompic Logo