Innompic Games



Business Design of Innompic Games

Brand and Brand Attributes






Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games

Innompic Games is a civilizational breakthrough and the launch of the millennium that will turn the Earth to the Planet of Loving Creators.

  Vadim Kotelnikov



  Hard Brand Attributes of INNOMPIC GAMES

Names: Innompics, Innompic Games

Vision: Planet of Loving Creators

Gesture: Hand creating and hand giving – with love

Anthem: song “I Have a Difference To Make!”

Slogan: United innovators

Slogan of Internet IG: Play at home, shine globally!

Value Mantra: Learn, Create, Thrive


Innompic Ratings of individuals, organisations, countries as world-changing harmonious innovators and loving creators

Innompic Ratings are ratings of  individuals, organisations and countries as innopreneurial loving creators and World-changing harmonious innovators.



INNOMPIOLOGY soclal science

Innompiology is the social science that examines and explains  how to create harmonious mega-innovations and civilizational breakthroughs.



Innompirsity Innompic Innovation University

Innompic University (Innompirsity) is the first university in the World that nurtures World-changing loving creators disruptive innopreneurs and venture leaders using primarily Innompic-style accelerated learning 20-60-20.




Challenge-based Education + Fun + Action is a trademark Innompic way of making accelerated learning of innopreneurial arts and skills A-Z/360 a reality



First Impressionism

First Impressionism is a vital art of creating a desired first impression. This strategic key to success is a bit of science, but more of heart & art synergy.



Innompic Theatre

Innompic Theatre and and its trademark sMusical-Inn 'Startup Romeo & Juliet' premiered at IG 2019 were invented to make Innompic Games more joyful, creative. uniting and educative.