


Entrepreneurial Serendipity

Sonam Wangmo, Bhutan, award winning writer

Sonam Wangmo

Bhutan innovation entreoreneurship Innompic Games Bhutan



An Unintended Discovery in an Entrepreneurial Journey

It is not every time that everything happens because of planning. Sometimes, the hook could get unhooked and that could be the miracle instead of a mishap. I read on a Facebook newsfeed today, the words of those that survived the office fire because they were late for work. The people who survived were not able to be in the office on time because of just few ordinary reasons in life. One slept in as his alarm did not snooze, another one had to change her clothes as she stained it while having breakfast and other did not make it to office on time because he could not get a taxi. There were many people who were lucky enough to have survived because of one small reason which changed their life. Perhaps, the life had imposed a fateful serendipity on them.

Similarly, entrepreneurial serendipity happens without calculating, without planning about an entrepreneurial journey but it happens almost spontaneously. Just like tributaries join the flowing water, it happens along the way. It is the search related to an unintended discovery in an entrepreneurial journey. One of the famous occurrences of serendipity is the discovery of penicillin through accidental contamination of laboratory samples.

It is entrepreneurial serendipity that teaches how great things could be created unintentionally. How flowers could bloom from a cracked old building. It gives hope and support to the entrepreneurs that there could be a great discovery. That there could be a creation which is meant to exist, hence paving way to occur.





Sonam Wangmo, Bhutan, award winning writer

If you want to write a really great story, give yourself time to discover the real drive from inside.

Sonam Wangmo

Bhutan innovation entreoreneurship Innompic Games



Sonam Wangmo is an aspiring writer. Capturing a moment through description, storing it to cherish it with the same feelings in the far future, and to reminisce is the gift that her dream job provides.





Message to the World


You can be just you, live in your pace and still live, because you are living your life and time shall click for you as well.




Living by:


Aeipathy, Growing, Karma

Inspirational Writer award winner Sonam Wangmo, Bhutan, World Innompic Games 2021






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