Message to the World

Let’s join and work together to continually improve our world for the children who will take our place when we are gone.




Thomas Hong, Startup Mentor, Silicon Valley, USA

Living by:

Innovation, Collaboration, Sharing

Thomas Hong



Innovate – create ideas for business and personal life.

Collaborate – work with people on mutual objectives.

Share – successes and accomplishments with others.





Founder of Startup-Mentors





Startup-Mentors was founded by Thomas Hong to help startups grow successfully by offering advice and assistance from mentors based in Silicon Valley who are serial entrepreneurs with substantial startup experience; some are active judges at investor pitch events. Thomas has advised several hundred CEOs of startups and early-stage companies on how to successfully navigate key business issues.



e-mail:   phone:  (1-408) 455-0170




Article by Thomas Hong


Startup Founding Team

– Principal Founder May Not Be the CEO

Startup Founder Profile – Most startup founders are persons who possesses entrepreneurial ambitions and has envisioned or developed a product or service that is new and needed in the market place. Most new products or services are created by technical people; therefore the majority of Principal Founders (PF) are technologists.

A Strong Founding Team – Is the most important factor that professional investors consider when making decision to invest in a startup. The preferred “Strong Founding Team” has three team members with these skill sets:

1. CEO with strong management and leadership skills.
2. CTO with proven expertise on company’s core technology
3. VP Sales/Marketing with good knowledge of the market and proven ability to obtain paying customers... More