Breakthrough Soft Skills
Breakthrough soft skills help you to create breakthroughs: stretch yourself, be
aa thought leader, initiate radical value innovations and excite and enthuse
others to join your crusade, create disruptive innovations jointly with others,
lead transformational change and radical projects.
Examples of breakthrough soft skills include awakening the inner genius,
disruptive thinking and ideation, strategic creativity,
subconscious thinking,
venturepreneurial leadership, intrapreneurship, spotting and pursuing
opportunities, venturepreneurial simulation, risk taking, anticipation,
intuition, synergistic teamwork, creative marketing and selling of radically new
ideas and solutions, and creating new customers desires.
Disruptive ideation: Disruptive means causing or
tending to cause disruption; innovative or groundbreaking; unconventional,
unorthodox, off-center, unusual, unfamiliar, unprecedented; pioneering,
trailblazing, revolutionary, radical, advanced, newfangled, state-of-the-art.
Serendipity is an attitude and and aptitude for making unintended
discoveries by accident ‒ habitually.
Advanced Soft Skills
Advanced soft skills help you achieve above average results and
create evolutionary innovations.
Examples of advanced soft skills include creative dissatisfaction,
self-leadership and self-coaching, inspirational lateral leadership and
leading-up, love quotient, spoken innovation, attitude motivation, being a
creative team worker, intellectual cross-pollination, mutual creativity, making
presentations that inspire change, knowing how to win wisely, and how to conquer
a stronger opponent.
Lifestyle Soft Skills
Lifestyle soft skills are general thinking, social and people skills.
Iterative Innovation Process
Innovation is not a linear process. Innovation is an experimental,
multidimensional and iterative journey.
When innovating, there are numerous diverse sources of uncertainty in invention,
people, technology, processes, business model, change management,
implementation, business ecosystem and markets.
You must prepare to win, know how to turn challenges to opportunities and be
flexible while cycling through all these sources of uncertainty until you put
the right pieces together synergistically to create a successful innovation.
INNOBALL simulation game: learning by doing
Experience the entrepreneurial simulation game and discover how you can use it
to develop your radical ideas though an iterative innovation process.
Learn how to address areas of uncertainty and prepare to win by anticipating
diverse challenges and turning them to opportunities.
Experience the interconnection of people, invention, technology, business model,
strategies, markets and implementation to get prepared for real-life battles.
Master experimental and iterative development of a team, technology, product,
process, business model, strategy, market, and implementation universe for an
innovative idea.