



Pursue enthusiastically and proudly the shared vision of turning the Earth to the Planet of Loving Creators;

Loving Creator Vadim Kotelnikov



Live the Value Mantra of Innompic Games:

Learn, Create, Thrive;

Innompic Planet of Loving Creators Dare to Love, Pursue your dream, Male a Difference



Are devoted to making a big positive difference in the world and creating world-changing innovations

World Changers Vadim Kotelnikov Ksenia Kotelnikova Rajendra Jagdale Денис Котельников



Enjoy the all-win atmosphere of constructive competition contests and the joyful creation show of Innompic Games.

All-Win Innompic Games anthem win-win deals everybody wins



Nourish the Innompic all-inclusive environment that unites innovators, leverages diversity and celebrates cross-cultural unity.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes love all people homplier at home abroadlier abroad Innompic Games 2018 Malaysia UniKL Planet of Loving Creators Vietnam team India




5 Basic Elements of Innompic Games

Fire: Passionate IG Leaders inspired and guided by the Innompic vision and mission attract visionmates, design the value that Innompic Games are to create and establish the values-based Innompic culture.

Earth: Innompic values and culture inspire Innompians to invent new things, to design mega-innovations holistically, and to perform at Innompic entrepreneurial creativity contests in an amazing artful way... More





United Nationals   Innompic Games ilogo icon   United Innovators



Ksenia Kotelnikova, eye, Ксюша Котельникова, хитрый глаз

It was thrilling, touching and moving to address global issues innovatively in a friendly and joyful Innompic environment!

Ksenia Kotelnikova

Farah Izzati, Malaysia, Miss Innovation World 2017, 1st Innompic Games India

Outstanding innovation contests! Innompic Games challenge me to stay creative to make others understand what we are trying to deliver.


Tenzin Rabgay, Bhutan, Mister Innovation World, 1st Innompic Games 2017, India

The friendship, mentorship, and network I developed during Innompics will be of enormous guidance and support.


Nurul Natasya, Malaysia, Miss Innovation World, Innompic Games 2018

Innompic Games is a thrilling way to bring about solutions to today's problems and infuse passion in youths to make changes and create a difference.


Othman Ismal

We learned so many good things! Now we know how to invent great things and assess capabilities of innovation teams.


Irina Kulikova

I realised how important it is to be passionate, inspiring and energised when you make a venture presentation.




Dieu-My Le

Innompic Games is the most creative competition I have ever competed in.



Vinayak Sharma, Nepal, 1st Innompics Games 2017, International Team, Symbiosis

Innompic Games is an immense opportunity to experience and learn many aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.


Masha Kalyanova

Innompic Games is an amazing chance to find out that even one person can make a difference in the world!


Mohamad Rashdan

Innompic Games widened my spectrum and horizon and understanding of other cultures as well. I learned to accept others and also cherish the differences that we have.

Mohamad Rashdan

My-Linh Phan, Vietnam

We cannot thank you enough for inspiring positivity and a platform for creativity and innovation.



Mohamed Yousef

We all gained huge experience during the Innompic Games.

Mohamed Yousef


Carolin Ballweg advice

Great 4 Days Innovation Contest! An amazing event!

Amazing young people with a spirit to create the future.


Martti Vallila Innompic Games 2018 Jury

Innompic Games create an environment that encourages and facilitates cross-pollination of ideas in the spirit of love.




Susmita Das, India team mentor, World 2nd Innompic Games 2018, Malaysia

Innompic Games are highly interesting and elegantly different. We would be happy to participate in future event.


Mario Vladović Criatia Innompic Games 2018 Jury

The dream came through! Finally 'good guys' are connecting, making all great things possible and in favor of human race!


INNOMPIC GAMES spur creativity and innovation and are the right way to go about for the future.

Faiza Hossain Eva

Saudi Arabia