taken during
Innompic Trainings
and other
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Engaging Spectators
Yet, Innompics engage spectators as well. In the Innompic Glossary, 'active
spectators' are called 'actators'.
Actators will increasingly be able to participate online (few in 2017, 1
billion in 2019).
At the 1st Innompic Games, we'll beta test the actators' engagement.
Actators will sit in a special area close to the scene. While Innompic teams
are thinking on their next move in response the a challenge just emerged,
the Innompic Show Team (Innovation Guru, actors, etc.) provide various
challenge-related perceptions and possible solutions.
Actators are also invited to demonstrate their creative solutions.
Thus actators have an opportunity to showcase their smartness. In addition,
they help the audience connect with the contest at a deeper both emotional
and intellectual levels.
The challenge is 'How to make 3rd Innompic Games 2019 the most watched
global show with over 1 billion spectators'
Innompic Teams create their story
Show Team (mainly Innovation Gurus) create their story to add some more
perspectives and insights.
Actators (who can form small ad-hoc groups for the purpose) may create and
tell their story.
Thus we'll get a more holistic view of the challenge. By engaging both
Innovation Gurus and actators we make the contest more educative and a
greater show. Use of KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools by all the presenters
helps the audience to understand the essence of a creative solution better
and make the presentation a greater show.

Additional Value for a University
1st Innompic Games are likely to be held in a University. People in the
audience will mainly be students and university staff.
Fun, gaming, and learning by doing accelerate learning. Engagement of
spectators (students, teachers, researchers) makes Innompic contests great
learning, fun and team building exercises.
Option: Boost-n-Glory for the Strayer University in 2018
We're planning to start organizing separate Innompic Games for universities
starting from 2019.
We could beta-test the concept in 2018 at the Strayer University with, say 8
Innompic University Teams from different countries. This historic, educative
and fun event would attract great global attention to the Strayer University
and build it;s image as a world's leader in growing disruptive innopreneurs.