Challenging Problems
Product Vision
Value Mantra
Weighted Guiding Principles
Story Telling Innompic Teams
Spectators ●
Breakthrough Projects ●
Mega-Inventions by Innompic Teams
Hard and Soft Brand Attributes
Innompics - Glossary
Innoball (Innovation Football,
Innovation Brainball)
KoRe - KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking
Tools, KoRe 10 Tips
Cimcoin - CimJoy CimWave
Product Vision
and Headlines
Differentiating Slogans
Slogans for 2nd Innompic Games
Innompics Differentiated
Innompic Games
Innompic Games as a Creation Show
Solution to a Global Problem
Similar to other our breakthrough
innovations (logos), Innompic Games is a solution to several
global problems.
Business e-Coach
Fun4Biz >> Creative Problem Solving Turning Problems to Opportunities Innoball Innompic
Games Cimcoin eRaritet
By Judges By
Individual Team Member Team Leader Valuenteer
Innompic Games:
Rope >> Running on a leash >>
Founders are too attached to their own perceptions and
preferences, so Innompic Games fail to connect with diverse
global audience >> >> Balloon >> Take a cosmonaut view >>
Global network of Goodwill Ambassadors (Innossadors - examples
of Names)
Temptation to conquer the opponent |
It's too easy for an
innovation team to make an imaginary project hugely
successful as well as for their enemy to kill the
project my making unrealistic moves. |
Communicating the objectives |
The organizers will
explain the teams that the objective of both
innovators and their enemies is not to kill each other,
but to demonstrate their entrepreneurial
creativity skills. The opposing teams should adopt the
Win-Win Mindset ‒ they should stretch, not kill each
other. The better they do so, the higher marks they get. |
Too little light |
Moves are described too
broadly which makes the opponent's responses too
presuming. |
Clarifying questions |
Having received the
description of an opponent's move, a team may ask up to
three clarifying questions. The ability to ask and
answer clarifying questions is a part of the
"Entrepreneurial Strategies"
assessments. |
Intellectual teamwork is too
chaotic. It's often dominated by a single person, while other
contribute too little. >> "Garden" and Kitchen"
Ideas are poorly synergized. >>
Team leaders have too little time
for evaluation of all the ideas submitted by the team members.
>> Teams will assign a weight to each guiding principle to
enable quick ‒ within a matter of seconds ‒ evaluation of an
Judges have no criteria for
evaluation of
anticipation skills >> The teams will be asked to
provide a structured description of their move ‒ (1) Kore 10
Tool used (2) Symbolic action (3) Precise action ‒ to make
evaluation easier and better.
Evaluation of the idea selection
skills of the team leader is too intuitive >> Weighted
Anticipation of attacks and Idea
evaluation by judges
... >> ... >> Evaluation of
ideas by Judges / Volunteers / Internet spectators may be
influenced by personality of players and nationality of a team
>> Flash Light >> Turned Off >> Players and teams will be
hidden behind symbolic names (Team A, Player A1, Player
A2, etc.). Real names will be revealed after all the evaluations
have been completed.
Flashing Light >> Battery is down
>> A team fails to invent a new product or service, so it
cannot participate in further contests >> Fishing
Rod >> Get one >> A set of inventions to chose from
Brood (Rejecting) - Too few contests for assessing creative marketing
skills. >> Trophy (Standing out) Having a product enhanced
thanks to an
Innoball game, teams will create
three headlines for different types of mass media: business
media, social networks and a general interest TV channel
Spectators Shine
Good spectators' ideas won't reach
the judges if valuenteers who pre-assess spectators' ideas are
not competent enough. >> A sample Innoball game will be
played in advance to both teach the judges and the valuenteers
to assess ideas and evaluate their idea evaluation skills. In
addition, during the Innompic Torch Relay, Judges and
Valuenteers assess each message to the World simultaneously. The
author of the best message is rewarded. Assessment skills of
each valuenteer are pre-evaluated and weighted before the Games
Benefits for All Involved / Growth Strategies
Large groups of people don't
feel associated with the focus groups of participants (startups)
>> Future expansion - special teams: Physically
Challenged, Teens under 18, Refugees, ... A separate
tournament for larger corporations (separate e-Coach and
Innoball). Separate tournament for universities. If the teen
team performs well and attracts a lot of spectators, a separate
tournament for teen will be established (slide - growing team
End-user opinion is not counted in
evaluation of contestants' ideas >>
Internet-spectators will be provided with an opportunity to give
marks to contestants' ideas. For an average spectators' mark to
be counted, at least 1,000 spectators should evaluate an idea.
In case the spectators' and the judges' mark of an idea differ
too sharply, a third-party evaluation will be made that will
have an impact on evaluation of both the idea and the judges.
Special prizes will be given to the public-opinion winners.
Summary of the
Improvements Made thanks to the Innoball Game