Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games

Value innovation is an innopreneurial way to tell customers, "I love you!"

Vadim Kotelnikov




Coaching by Example: Passionate Innopreneur

My Mind may tell me, "It's next to impossible"...

My Experience may tell me, "It's too risky"...

My Hands may tell me, "We're too busy"...

Yet, if...

My Intuition tells me, "There should be a way through"...

My Heart tells me, "I do want to pursue this idea!"...

My Mind, Experience and Hands engage enthusiastically...

And create wonders!

If you love what you do, there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones, Vadim Kotelnikov quotes, Planet of Loving Creators


Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games

What I love about being a disruptive innopreneur is turning huge challenges to amazing opportunities creatively.

Vadim Kotelnikov






Innovation is about love: love what you do and love your customers.

Your inner genius starts whispering when you do your creative work passionately. Love for customers is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes be a Loving Creator



Create an inspiring vision of the desired future that will guide and motivate you.

Keep your vision in your mind when you create smaller parts.

Believe in yourself and your mission because your burning belief is the bridge between impossible and possible.

Vadim Kotelnikov visoonary World Changer



Dreamers dream. Entrepreneurial dreamers dream big and take steps towards their dreams every day.

Visualize the new market niche you want to create and start moving. The first step is always the biggest step towards your vision. Every step up will open new horizons.

10 Best Advices to Innopreneurs by Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompics




The only three things you need to change the World are vision, passion, and action.

To grow big, think big. Dream BIG dream. Create a world-changing vision, and your vision will lead you. To create harmonious innovation, use the 3Bs strategic creativity approach: see the big picture; invent breakthroughs; visualize the resulting big picture.

Inspirational quotes change the world life purpose Vadim Kotelnikov



 Winners approach impossible as possible. It is only by doing impossible that you can discover and unlock your true potential.

Disruptive innopreneurs invent and develop new-to-the-world products proactively, create new markets and new customer needs. Stretch your goals and your goals will stretch you.

Vadim Kotelnikov selfiegram big innovator victor



Starting implementing a business plan without playing a simulation game is like starting a football game naively believing that the opposite team will not show up.

Play INNOBALL to anticipate challenges and strengthen your team, business model and strategies.

Prepare to Win Vadim Kotelnikov advice to Aspiring Innopreneurs




The formula of a synergistic passionate team is not 1+1+1=3, it is 1󪻑=111

Find your vision-mates and passion-mates.

A great innovation team is infused with a great passion about doing great new things together. For a passionate team, there are no difficult tasks, only interesting ones.

Passionate Team Innompic Planet of Loving Creators Vadim KOtelnikov Advice



HAPPY BUSINESS is a harmonious love-driven business design that makes and keeps all stakeholders happy.

Love for your work, customers, partners, and the entire World is the springhead of the cascade of innovations and the river of revenues.

Noble Business is a tool to make people happier Vadim Kotelnikov advice to aspiring innopreneurs



Your initial invention is a seed that evolves along a virtuous spiral to grow into a tree of innovation.

Remember, if you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history. Learn as you go, and keep playing entrepreneurial simulation games with new entrepreneurial opportunities after every major experiment.

Inspirational quotes Innovation is 1% invention and 99% entrepreneurial action Vadim Kotelnikov



Be a relentless value innovator. Innovate proactively to stay ahead of your competition.

Keep reinventing your products, services, processes, strategies and business model.

Synergise radical and incremental innovations.

Know how to market and sell innovative products.

Vadim Kotelnikov quotes Strive to be better than you were yesterday















Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic message to the world, quote, if you stop learning you stop creating history and become history


  You have everything you'll ever need to achieve what is worth achieving. LOVE is the master key.
Love for life and all people makes you feel happy.
If you love what you do, you enjoy your work.
Love awakens your creativity. Your inner genius starts whispering when you do your creative work passionately.
Love for users of your products makes you an inspired value innovator.
Love for your




Those who don't love their customers invent something unusual, but... useless.

Radical innovation is a surprise fruit tree:

When you create radical innovations, entrepreneurial simulation games work far better than classic business planning, strategy formulation and project management methods.

'1+1=2' is the arithmetics of followers.
The arithmetics of disruptive innovators is '1+1=11'.

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