Innompic Games


Constructive Competition

Growing through engaging in mutually educative intellectual battles


IG Way


Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of Innompic Games

Innompic Games synergize soft innovation and art, business presentations and creation show, constructive competition and fun.

icon logo Vadim Kotelnikov Vadim


e-Coach      Innoball






Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

Innompic Games believe in the concept of all winners, its not about finding one winner its about finding cooperation and collaboration.





Constructive competition is about developing one’s own, others’ and shared goals. It is essential to stakeholder engagement, growth culture, relentless innovation, and continuous improvement.

"The Breakfast of Champions isn’t cereal, it’s the competition!" ~ David Lee Roth




Constructive Competition Benefits for All Benefits for Innoteams Benefits for Spectators Global Benefits Founder: Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Games is the Solution Construction Competition example: INNOMPIC GAMES

Growing Smart Innopreneurs

Innompics Games help both participants and spectators learn and grow as victorious innopreneurs who create a brighter future and change the world for the better.

Innompic constructive contests are about Win-Win, not Win-Loose. Contestants grow through mutually educative intellectual battles, mutual creativity and mutual learning. Spectators grow by both watching Innompic contests and participating in some of them.

Creating Innovative Solutions

During the entrepreneurial creativity contests held annually, participants come out with creative solutions to challenging business, social and global problems and develop entrepreneurial strategies and business models that help turn their breakthrough inventions to successful innovations.

Innompic Ratings

Meritocracy in DAO: Innompic Style

Advanced Ideation Techniques  >>  Creative Problem Solving    Think for the Enemy

Strategic Business Success  ●  Cross-functional Innovation Teams  ●  Strategic Ideation


Growing Global Changemakers

Both participants and spectators of Innompic Games gain advanced ideas, knowledge and skills that help them have a broader vision of life, awaken their inner genius, become loving creators and greater citizens of the world.

They apply much higher levels of creativity and intelligence to their personal and global worlds, create a better world and a brighter future for its citizens.

Show Teams

Show team members are loving creators and inspirational educators. Talented creators, who are focused on just demonstrating their talents, but not on helping spectators to grow, are not considered for the Innompic Show Team.



5 Basic Elements of Innompic Games

Metal: Innompic constructive competition contests inspire accelerated learning, help to test processes, and produce actionable feedback... More




Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games

Innompic Games synergize soft innovation and art, business presentations and creation show, constructive competition and fun.

Vadim Kotelnikov




Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

Innompic Games believe in the concept of all winners, its not about finding one winner its about finding cooperation and collaboration.




Jim Carras, USA, Jury, World Innompic Games

Innompic Games create the platform to recognize new ideas in a constructive competition where everyone wins.

Jim Carras

Ksenia Kotelnikova, eye, Ксюша Котельникова, хитрый глаз

It was thrilling to see so many people ignited by the vision of a brighter future starting to play together with each other, not against each other.

Ksenia Kotelnikova

Mohammad Fiqri, Malaysia, Mister Innovation World award winner, Innompic Games 2018, UniKL

What I love about Innompic Games is the way they teach you to be open with your ideas because there is no right or wrong ideas since everyone is a winner.

Mohammad Fiqri

Satyajit Mittal, India, Best Innovator Award Winner, Innompic Games

I love the all-win concept and environment of Innompic Games. It inspires open-minded creativity and makes constructive competition contests joyful and fun.



Nurdyanah Sulaiman Malaysia team 1st Innompic Games India

We saw other teams' perspective on innovation and we learned a lot from each other in the amazing Innompic all-win constructive competition environment.

Nurdyanah Sulaiman

Mike Zelin

Friendly constructive competitions like Innompics motivate people to unlock internal potential. The best is to compete with yourself ‒ show the progress in self improvement.

Michael Zelin