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Nepal SAIM
South Asian Institute of Management (SAIM)
Nepal SAIM is a team composed of MBA students from the South Asian Institute of Management (SAIM).
Team Manager Sabina Tuladhar
I wish to thank leaders of Innompic Games for providing our SAIMians with such creative opportunities!
Sabina Tuladhar
Learn to see beyond the limitations that seem real, and empower yourself to push past those boundaries.
Bibek Maharjan
In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers.
Anushka Shrestha
Every story we build brings us to the life.
Binita Bhattarai
Adjust to the challenges, enjoy your work and let your inner spark make the difference.
Umanga Bhatta
Everyone should dream and it leads us to get our destination.
Sarita Bhatta
If you have the capacity, always lend your hand with a smile to someone asking for your help.
Gopal Subedi
Dream, work for it and achieve your goal.
Sarina Basnet