'Innompic' and 'Olympic'

Meaning of 'Innompic'

Olympic Games are for athletes who stretch their physical capabilities.

Innompic Games are for innopreneurs who stretch their mind and the World!

Innompic Games ('Games for the mind') is the younger brother of Olympic Games ('Games for the body'), so the names of the two Games have something in common.

Innompic means synergy of three things:

Word-changing innovators and innovations

Outstanding entrepreneurial creativity 360

Super-effective implementation A to Z



Innompic Games: PeopleInnompic Ecosystem for disruptive innovationInnompic global Virtual Venture Valley (VVV)Innompic Theatre




United Innovators

Innompic Chant











Innompirsity, Innompic University - radical innovation, venturepreneurship, mega-innpvation, innopreneurship, business design

Innompic University (INNOMPIRSITY) is #1 educational institution that teaches Innompiology, disruptive innopreneurship, how to create holistic harmonious mega-innovations and civilizational breakthroughs.